
:-:La sapete quella delle due vecchie signore in villeggiatura sui monti Catskills e una dice: "Mamma, come si mangia male in questo posto!". "Oh sì, il vitto è uno schifo, e oltretutto ti danno porzioni così piccole!". Beh, questo è essenzialmente quello che io provo nei riguardi della vita (tratto dal film "IO e Annie", di Woody Allen.)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

metallari -principi azzurri- casistica

HEAVY METAL: The protagonist arrives on a Harley Davidson, kills the dragon, drinks some beers and fucks the princess
GRIND METAL: The protagonist arrives, screams something completely undecipherable for about 2 minutes and then leaves...
VIKING METAL: The protagonist arrives in a ship, kills the dragon with his migthy axe, cooks and eats it, rapes the princess to death, steals the castle and burns the place before he leaves
BLACK METAL: The protagonist arrives at midnight, kills the dragon and impales it in the front of the castle.....then sodomizes the princess, drinks her blood in a ritual before killing her.....then he impales the deflowered princess
GORE METAL: The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon and spreads his guts in the front of the castle, fucks the princess and kills her....then he fucks again her dead body, slashes her belly open and eats her guts, fucks the carcass for the third time, burns the corpse and fucks it for the last time
PROGRESSIVE METAL: The protagonist arrives with a guitar and plays a solo for 26 minutes, the dragon kills himself out of boredom, the protagonist arrives to the princess' bedroom, plays another solo with all the techniques learned in the last year of the conservatory... the princess escapes, and is now looking for the "HEAVY METAL" protagonist

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